Aleesha Grier-Rogers, PhD

Aleesha Grier, PsyD

Medical Expert Board Member
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University of Hartford



Aleesha Grier, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice and an assistant clinical professor at the Yale School of Medicine. She specializes in helping adults with addiction treatment, work-life balance, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, and pre/post-weight loss surgery. She is passionate about providing mental health services for women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and she specifically treats actors and other people in the entertainment industry.


Dr. Grier received a bachelor's degree in psychology from Southern Connecticut State University. She received a master's as well as a doctorate degree in psychology from the University of Hartford. She then completed her postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale School of Medicine, focusing on substance use and community mental health. Dr. Grier also holds a certification in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University.

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