Anthony Pearson, MD

Anthony Pearson, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Preventive Cardiology, Echocardiography, Atrial Fibrillation


St. Louis University School of Medicine


For the last decade, I have been writing about diet and cardiovascular disease, preventive cardiology, personal medical devices, and medical management of atrial fibrillation. As such, I've become very aware of misinformation widely available on the internet and am passionate about providing accurate, unbiased information on these topics for patients.

— Anthony Pearson, MD


Anthony C. Pearson, MD, FACC, is a board-certified cardiologist based in St. Louis, Missouri. He has spent 10 years in academic cardiology, teaching, writing, and researching. He has spent an additional 20 years as a clinical cardiologist in private practice.


Dr. Pearson completed medical school and his post-graduate training, including a cardiology fellowship, at St. Louis University School of Medicine.

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