Arno Kroner, DAOM

Arno Kroner, DAOM

Medical Expert Board Member
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Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Integrative Medicine Doctor


Trauma, Sports Medicine, Acupuncture


University of Kansas, Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, École Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont



Arno Kroner, DAOM, is a board-certified acupuncturist, herbalist, and integrative medicine doctor operating a private practice in Santa Monica, California. Dr. Kroner's drive for supporting patients to reach their full potential in life and in sports began with his passion for endurance and extreme environments. He has competed in prestigious races such as the Boston Marathon, Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, Pikes Peak Marathon, Miwok 100, and he was on the Disney Tri Team earning medals at the Malibu Triathlon and at Escape from Alcatraz. He also has volunteered in search and rescue and national ski patrol, has gained military experience in France and treats patients at a trauma treatment center.


With multiple degrees in math and physics, business, finance, medicine, and design, Dr. Kroner brings an open mind and a life long appetite for learning which is essential in the ever-changing world of medicine.

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