Brian Luong

Brian T. Luong, DMD



Dentistry, Orthodontics


Health information is ever-changing, and users need a reliable go-to place to receive up-to-date information that’s backed by experts. I look forward to helping get the most accurate and reliable information about oral health diagnosis and treatment to online users.

— Brian T. Luong, DMD


Brian T. Luong, DMD, has been an Orthodontist at Anaheim Hills Orthodontics and Santa Ana Orthodontics since 2017. He was named Chief Dental Officer at Become Aligners in 2021.


Dr. Luong earned his bachelor's degree in biological sciences from UC Irvine and his master's degree in oral biology, orthodontics, and dentofacial orthopedics from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He earned his MBA from Harvard Business School and his DMD dental degree from Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Luong also earned a GPR in Hospital Dentistry from the University of California San Francisco.

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