Brigid Dwyer, MD

Brigid Dwyer, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Neurology, Brain Injury, Neurorehabilitation, Behavioral Health


Brown University


Since completing my medical training, I have become progressively more involved in projects and writings designed to either further our understanding of clinical problems as they pertain to acute brain injury and assess novel interventions pertaining to them. I have recognized the value of exploring interventions for chronic, co-morbid conditions with complex relationships to a history of TBI, such as depression and neurodegenerative diseases such as CTE, Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

— Brigid Dwyer, MD


Brigid Dwyer, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Boston University School of Medicine. She is board certified in Neurology and Brain Injury Medicine. Dr. Dwyer’s interests includes traumatic brain injury, disorders of consciousness, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.


Dr. Dwyer received her medical degree from Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School and then completed an internship in Medicine and a residency in neurology at Boston University Medical Center. Dr. Dwyer then completed a fellowship in Brain Injury Medicine and Neurorehabilitation at Boston University/Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.

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