NEWS Health News Can Eating Fruits Help You Stay Hydrated? By Alyssa Hui Published on June 22, 2023 Fact checked by Nick Blackmer Print Elaine Bernadine Castro/Pexels Key Takeaways Dietitians say that people can stay hydrated not only by drinking water but also by eating fruits and vegetables that are high in water content.Strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, celery, and spinach are great examples of fruits and vegetables that can help you meet your hydration needs.While fruits and vegetables can support hydration, experts say that eating fruits and veggies alone is not enough to stay adequately hydrated. While drinking water is probably the most common way to quench your thirst, eating fruits and vegetables and drinking other types of liquids like smoothies and broths can also help you stay hydrated. “Hydration needs can be met through a variety of sources in addition to drinking water,” Candace Pumper, MS, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Verywell. “Raw fruits and vegetables also contribute to fluid needs because of their high water content.” But there’s a limit to how much fluid fruits and vegetables actually give you. Here’s which ones nutrition experts recommend you add to your day to meet your hydration needs. Why Hydration Matters Staying hydrated helps your body with important jobs like regulating body temperature, protecting your joints, and getting rid of waste. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can give you muscle cramps, dry mouth, tiredness, fatigue, headaches, rapid heart rate, and low blood pressure. If it’s severe enough, dehydration can cause kidney damage, organ failure, brain damage, and even death. How Much Water Should You Drink a Day? How Much Water Do You Get From Eating Fruit? According to Catalina Ruz, RDN, a registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, nutrient-dense fruits like strawberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe are refreshing and delicious sources of hydration. “Fruits can absolutely count as part of hydration due to their high water content. Several are incredibly hydrating as they contain over 90% of water,” said Ruz. “Additionally, fruits are naturally sweet which can appeal to individuals who are less likely to consume enough plain water.” Your daily water intake comes from both liquids and foods—including fruits and veggies with high water content. However, Pumper said that food generally only contributes about 20% of your body’s total water intake. In other words, you only get about 20% of the water you need each day from the foods that you eat. Catalina Ruz, RDN Hydration doesn’t need to be dull. Consider your preferences and add some hydrating fruits and veggies to your plate. — Catalina Ruz, RDN Even though fruits contribute water to your day, Pumper said that you would probably find it hard to stay hydrated just by eating fruit. “Fruits can assist in supporting hydration and may also be slightly, but not significantly, more hydrating than water in the short-term,” said Pumper. “This is likely due to the electrolytes typically found in fruits that further benefit body fluid balance. However, Pumper also noted that your body’s daily hydration status is generally well maintained as long as there is fluid and food available and balanced in your diet. “While fruits often get a bad reputation due to their sugar content, they are wonderfully rich in vitamins and can make hydration more enjoyable,” said Ruz. For example, fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium—vitamins that support the immune system, help maintain healthy vision, and act as anti-inflammatory agents against disease. You May Not Need 8 Glasses of Water Every Day Can Vegetables Hydrate You? According to Ruz, fruit isn’t the only food with a high water content: adding vegetables to your diet can also boost hydration. Some veggies are over 80% water—think lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, spinach, and cooked broccoli. Catalina Ruz, RDN It is important for us to meet some of our hydration needs through fruits and vegetables but also consume water throughout the day. — Catalina Ruz, RDN “Individuals consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may not need to drink as much water due to these foods’ water content,” said Ruz. Along with helping you meet your daily hydration needs, Ruz said that veggies are also a source of potassium as well as essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Plus, they’re also naturally low in salt (sodium). “A potassium-rich diet can aid in cellular hydration and prevent water retention associated with a sodium-rich diet,” said Ruz. “Therefore, a diet that consistently includes a variety of fruits and vegetables can absolutely help meet hydration goals.” 5 Servings of Fruits and Veggies a Day May Help You Live Longer Which Fruits and Veggies Are Most Hydrating? Pumper said there are many fruits and veggies that are high in water content—it’s all about finding which ones you enjoy the most. Hydration Content of Fruits and Vegetables Produce % Water Content Cucumbers 96 Celery 95 Radishes 95 Tomatoes 95 Zucchini and summer squash 95 Lettuce 94–96 Asparagus 93 Bell peppers 92–94 Cauliflower 92 Mushrooms (white) 92 Spinach 91 Watermelon 91 Strawberries 91 Cabbage 90–92 Cantaloupe 90 Honeydew melon 90 Broccoli 90 Kale 89 Peaches 89 Grapefruit 88–91 Carrots 88 Oranges 87 Raspberries 86 Pineapple 86 Apples 85 Kiwi 84 Source: USDA How to Add More Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet Ruz and Pumper also offered a few tips on how you can fit more of those super-hydrating fruits and veggies into your diet: Add fruits or vegetables to your water. Drop a few slices of strawberries and cucumbers into your water bottle to make your drink more flavorful. Eat veggies with your favorite dip. Pair hydrating snacks like carrots and celery with a tasty dipping sauce or spread (like ranch or hummus). Make a smoothie. Use spinach, strawberries, bananas, and ice to make a nourishing and hydrating drink to give you energy throughout the day and help you stay hydrated.Sprinkle fruits or veggies in your meal. You can add fruit to oatmeal or dry cereal for breakfast and top salads or soups with vegetables for lunch and dinner. Tricks to Help You Drink More Water Is Eating Fruits and Veggies Enough to Stay Hydrated? While some fruits and vegetables can help quench your thirst, Ruz said that they should not be a replacement for water or be the only things that you consume to stay hydrated. “It is important for us to meet some of our hydration needs through fruits and vegetables but also consume water throughout the day,” said Ruz. Pumper said there are beverages other than water you can drink that count toward hydration—for example, teas, coconut water, homemade agua fresca, broths, and smoothies. If you choose to drink juice, Pumper recommends sticking with 100% juice and portions of 4 fluid ounces to keep calories in check. “Balanced eating means we are not solely relying on one food group or item for adequate nourishment,” said Ruz. That said, “hydration doesn’t need to be dull. Consider your preferences and add some hydrating fruits and veggies to your plate.” What This Means For You Eating fruits and vegetables with a high water content like watermelon, strawberries, celery, and spinach can be a good way to help you stay hydrated this summer.However, experts say these foods should not be the only way you meet your hydration needs. Consider drinking water throughout the day or other hydrating beverages like teas, coconut water, broths, and smoothies. 6 Sources Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water and healthier drinks. MedlinePlus. Dehydration. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. How much water do you need?. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Vegetables and fruits. UCLA. 15 foods that help you stay hydrated. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food Data Central. By Alyssa Hui Hui is a health news writer and former TV news reporter. She was the 2020 recipient of the Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association Jack Shelley Award. See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Medical Expert Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! 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