Dakari Quimby, PhD

Dakari Quimby, PhD





Washington University in St. Louis



Dakari Quimby, PhD, is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California. He specializes in mental health treatment for adults living with the impact of past childhood/family stress, navigating relationship challenges, or experiencing unfulfillment in work and daily life. He is passionate about research on trauma, social equity, and strategies to promote resilience in communities of color. Dr. Quimby also serves on the editorial board of both the Journal of Social Issues and Psychology of Violence.


Dr. Quimby earned his Bachelor's degree from Washington University in St. Louis and his doctoral degree in psychology from Loyola University Chicago. He has completed training in trauma-informed mental health services at the University of Chicago Stress, Trauma, and Resilience Clinic (U-STAR) and completed a postgraduate fellowship in psychological assessment, therapy, and consultation at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).

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