David Hampton, MD

David Hampton, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Surgeon, Assistant Professor


Surgical Critical Care, General Surgery, Trauma Surgery


University of Chicago


An educated patient can make an informed decision. Unfortunately, the current medical literature is not accessible to the average person. It is not written in a common language and is often misinterpreted by our patients. It is a pleasure to be a part of Verywell and its efforts to remove these obstacles and clarify critical medical issues so our patients can feel confident in their understanding and decision-making.

— David Hampton, MD


David Hampton, MD, is currently an Assistant Professor of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery at the University of Chicago and is board certified in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care. He also serves as a Commander in the US Naval Reserves assigned to the 4th Marine Logistic Group, Surgical Company Bravo. His research interests include improving surgical outcomes in austere environments, trauma-critical care resuscitation, compassion fatigue, and medical education. He has published in the fields of trauma, blood product resuscitation, and health care disparities and has presented at numerous national and international conferences. Dr. Hampton is passionate about education and serves as the Associate Program Director for the Adult Surgical Critical Care Fellowship and is the interim Program Director for the Pediatric Surgical Critical Care Fellowship at the University of Chicago.


Dr. Hampton earned Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a Minor in Writing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He graduated from Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis. He completed General Surgery Residency at Oregon Health & Science University and Trauma-Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery Fellowships at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. Dr. Hampton performed additional trauma training at Groote Schuur Hospital at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

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