Forest Miller, MSOT

Forest Miller, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist


Occupational Therapy, Adult Rehabilitation, Geriatrics


Salus University



Forest Miller, OTR/L, MSOT, is a Pennsylvania-based occupational therapist specializing in geriatric rehabilitation and treating conditions affecting people's upper extremities. He is currently a practicing occupational therapist at the Core Medical Group. Forest evaluates and provides treatment for people living with neurological, orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, and developmental conditions, as well as chronic complicating health factors. He also has experience in outpatient, subacute rehabilitation, and acute care occupational therapy.


Forest Miller received his Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Salus University. Following that degree, he received an Advanced Practice Certificate in Hand and Upper Limb Rehabilitation from Thomas Jefferson University.

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