Itchiness as a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis

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Itchiness is just one of many symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the underlying cause is different from other cases of itchiness, which are related to skin inflammation.

Multiple sclerosis causes itchiness due to the loss of the protective covering around nerves. Medications used to treat MS can also cause itchiness.

In this article, learn more about how MS causes itchiness and treatments.

Characteristics of Itchiness in MS
Verywell / Cindy Chung


Itching may be one of the first signs of MS. It can appear with other abnormal sensations caused by nerve problems such as pins and needles and burning or stabbing pains.

MS-related itchiness is typically paroxysmal, meaning it starts and stops abruptly. This characteristic offers an important clue that MS is the likely culprit, unlike the many other possible causes of itchiness.

Itchiness in the same location on both sides of the body is another tip-off that this symptom is likely MS-related. Neuropathic itchiness related to MS usually occurs in specific areas of your body instead of feeling itchy all over.

Itchy sensations can occur virtually anywhere on your body, usually involving both sides. For example, arms, legs, or sides of your face might be involved. The itchiness may occasionally be confined to a single location, usually an arm or leg. 

While bouts of feeling itchy can happen six times per day or more, they usually only last a few seconds to minutes. These episodes can be very intense and disruptive, especially if they occur at night.

Some people experience a combination of abnormal sensations, such as itchiness and a burning or tingling feeling. Additionally, you might notice that specific circumstances trigger your bouts of itchiness.

Does MS Cause A Rash?

MS does not cause a rash. However, scratching the skin in response to itchiness can cause redness and inflammation. Rashes are more often associated with diseases that have some similar symptoms but are unrelated to MS such as Lyme disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and sarcoidosis. Medications used to treat MS may cause a rash.


Unlike itchiness due to a mosquito bite or eczema, which arises because of inflammation in the skin, itchy sensations caused by MS arise because of abnormal nerve signals from the brain. This phenomenon is called neuropathic itch.

Like most other MS symptoms, the miscommunication that causes neuropathic itch in people with MS is due to the demyelination of nerves in your brain and/or spinal cord.

Loss of the protective myelin covering your nerves causes them to misfire, leading to sudden itchiness and other abnormal sensations, such as tingling, burning, or a pins-and-needles feeling.

Heat is a common trigger for MS-related itchiness; certain movements might also provoke a spell.

In addition, some disease-modifying therapies can potentially cause itchiness as a side effect, including Copaxone (glatiramera), Lemtrada (alemtuzumab), Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate), and Tysabri (natalizumab).

An allergic reaction to your multiple sclerosis medication is also possible, which may cause generalized itchiness, hives, and/or a rash. If you suspect an allergic reaction, call your healthcare provider immediately.

Seek emergency medical care if you experience swelling of your lips, face, or tongue or have difficulty breathing.

Neuropathic itch is an itchy sensation that occurs when neurons of the peripheral nervous system have been damaged. These neurons cause abnormal nerve signals that make you feel like you’re itchy although there’s no inflammation or problem with the skin.


The good news is that paroxysmal symptoms like bouts of itchiness usually do not signal an MS relapse. However, this symptom can interfere with your daily activities and reduce your quality of life.

Additionally, scratching might lead to other problems, such as a skin infection or scarring. If any of these circumstances apply to you, seeking treatment as soon as possible is important.

Some strategies to help keep you from scratching include:

  • Keeping nails trimmed short
  • Gently applying moisturizer
  • Wearing clothes that cover the itchy areas
  • Using cool compresses

If other measures don't do the trick or your symptoms are severe, your healthcare provider might recommend medications, including:

If your itchiness is very bothersome and caused by medication, speak to your healthcare provider about whether a different medication might be better for you.

With effective medical treatment, episodes of itching usually do not recur. Keep in mind that topical treatments, including over-the-counter or prescription corticosteroids, are not helpful for neuropathic itch because the root of the problem is the nerves rather than the skin. 

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Itchiness in people with MS can come from the disease itself or as a reaction to medication for MS. It can appear anywhere on the body and tends to come and go.

To help relieve itching, try at-home remedies like cool compresses and wearing loose clothing. If these aren't successful, your healthcare provider may suggest medications such as gabapentin. If itchiness is bothersome or interrupts your sleep, talk to a healthcare provider to see what options are best suited for you.

3 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Pain & Itching.

  2. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Other Conditions to Rule Out.

  3. Pereira MP, Wiegmann H, Agelopoulos K, Ständer S. Neuropathic itch: routes to clinical diagnosis. Front Med. 2021;8:641746. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.641746

Additional Reading

By Julie Stachowiak, PhD
Julie Stachowiak, PhD, is the author of the Multiple Sclerosis Manifesto, the winner of the 2009 ForeWord Book of the Year Award, Health Category.