Kathleen Daly, MD

Kathleen Daly, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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University of Maryland, University of Cambridge, University of Washington



Kathleen Daly, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in women's and transgender mental health. In her private practice, Dr. Daly focuses on psychotherapy and medical management. She also works with the Boulder County Department of Probation in their grant-funded trauma program for people with PTSD who are on probation and need immediate care. Dr. Daly also works with Avanti Behavioral Health to provide psychotherapy and medical management to adolescents and young adults.


Dr. Daly received her bachelor's degree in physiology and neurobiology from the University of Maryland. She earned her Master of Philosophy degree from the University of Cambridge and her doctorate degree from the University of Maryland. She then completed her residency at the University of Washington.

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