Kayla Girgen, RD

Kayla Girgen, RD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Nutrition, Blood Glucose Management, Weight Management


Minnesota State University



Kayla Girgen, RD, is a licensed dietitian who specializes in weight management for patients post-bariatric surgery. She is passionate about helping patients manage their physical and emotional well-being after weight loss surgery. Kayla uses a people-centered method that considers both the physiological and psychological components of weight management. She provides personalized and practical solutions to help women establish a positive relationship with food and maximize their metabolic health.


Kayla Girgen graduated summa cum laude from Minnesota State University–Mankato. She completed her dietitian internship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. During her internship, she worked with patients in the fields of endocrinology, gastroenterology, oncology, and bariatric surgery.

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