Kristie Reed, PharmD

Kristie Reed, PharmD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Pharmacy Director


Pharmacy, Hospital and IV medications


Western New England University


Overseeing a pharmacy in a small community hospital requires knowledge of a wide variety of conditions. Every day brings new health conditions, new reasons for admissions, and new challenges. A lot of my daily focus is on medication and patient safety. I have witnessed the consequences of misinformation and unclear health information in many of our patients.

— Kristie Reed, PharmD


Kristie Reed, PharmD, is the pharmacy director of a community hospital. She's responsible for overseeing emergency, general medicine, surgical, psychiatric care, and oncology medication—Dr. Reed's most experience in IV medications. At the community hospital, she treats a wide variety of conditions including diabetes, acute gastrointestinal conditions, COPD/Asthma, severe infections, alcohol and drug withdrawal and inpatient psychiatric care. Dr. Reed is the Pharmacy Chair of the Medication Safety Committee, patient safety, and Joint Commission team.


Dr. Reed graduated from Western New England University in 2015 with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. she received her MBA in 2019.

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