Lissette Pichardo, MD

Lissette Pichardo, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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University of Pennsylvania, New Jersey Medical School


Besides providing my patients with the best care I can, my goal is to empower them and help them realize their agency. I have come to understand that being a woman of color in medicine has endowed me with a unique perspective that I can use to help me as a communicator and a clinician.

— Lissette Pichardo, MD


Lissette Pichardo, MD, is a board-certified anesthesiologist. She provides services at St. Barnabas Hospital (SBH) in the Bronx, administering anesthesia for cases ranging from pediatric ENT and dental cases, to OB epidural/spinals, colonoscopies/endoscopies, and a wide range in between.

Being a native Spanish speaker and having grown up in a neighborhood a couple of miles away from SBH, she is thrilled to be able to employ her bilingualism and bi-culturalism in ways that benefit the patient population of SBH. Dr. Pichardo is proud to give back to the community by caring for her patients.


Dr. Pichardo graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with bachelor's degrees in History and Sociology of Science and a minor in Hispanic Studies. She completed her medical degree at New Jersey Medical School (now Rutgers, formerly University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey). She completed her internship at Allegheny West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and completed her anesthesiology residency at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.

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