Surgery Types of Local Anesthesia Used for Surgical Procedures By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN Updated on October 29, 2022 Medically reviewed by Jenny A. Dhingra, MD Print Table of Contents View All Table of Contents Procedures That Use It Why It’s Used How It Is Given Drugs Used How Long It Lasts Preparation Risks Frequently Asked Questions Local anesthesia involves using medications (local anesthetics) to numb an area of your body. It's used to prevent pain during and after surgery or other medical procedures, such as dental work or getting stitches. With local anesthesia, you won't feel pain from the procedure but you'll stay awake and aware of what's happening around you. This article discusses how local anesthesia works, what drugs are used, and which procedures it may be used for. It also covers what to expect if you will be getting local anesthesia and the risks involved. This photo contains content that some people may find graphic or disturbing. See Photo Kalinovskiy / Getty Images Procedures Using Local Anesthesia Local anesthesia is most commonly associated with minor procedures. Some examples include: Dental procedures, such as filling a cavity or procedures where the gums must be numbed Wound suture Removal of an ingrown toenail Placement of an IV for a child (to decrease pain in advance of insertion) Before a biopsy (to numb the skin so a sample can be collected) The Safety of Anesthesia for Oral Surgery Why Local Anesthesia Is Used Local anesthesia is typically used for minor procedures that can be completed in a short time and when a person will be able to return home the same day. Unlike general anesthesia where the entire body is paralyzed and you are unconscious, local anesthesia allows you to remain awake and alert during a procedure. A different type of pain control, regional anesthesia numbs a whole arm, leg, or another region. Local Anesthesia vs. General Anesthesia Local anesthesia has many benefits over general anesthesia, but that doesn’t mean one is better than the other. Some of the differences include the following. Local Anesthesia Numbs just a small area of the body to prevent pain Given for minor procedures, such as mole removals or root canals Commonly given as a single injection, spray, or topical cream Breathing muscles are not paralyzed; patient breathes without assistance Very low risk of side effects, although they can occur Anesthetic effect can last up to eight hours General Anesthesia Paralyzes the whole body and makes the person unconscious Given for major procedures, such as open-heart surgery Given via a continuous IV infusion, usually into the arm An external breathing device is generally necessary Higher risk of severe side effects during the procedure and after, but still safe Anesthetic effect can last up to 24 hours How Local Anesthesia Is Given Anesthesiologists are physicians who administer anesthesia and monitor their patients’ breathing, circulation, heart rate, and other vital signs before, during, and after the procedure. You will likely encounter an anesthesiologist for procedures that require a continuous IV infusion, like an epidural. The anesthesiologist will stay to monitor you throughout the procedure and check on you afterward. For minor procedures in which vital signs do not need to be continuously monitored, like cavity fillings or mole removals, the doctor who is doing the procedure will usually administer the local anesthesia themselves. Your local anesthesia may be in the form of a cream, spray, or injection. Numbing medications are sometimes given in several small injections. A few minutes after the injections have been given, the area should be completely numb. If the area still has sensation, additional injections may be given to ensure it is completely numb. While the goal is to prevent pain, the anesthesia injection itself can sometimes be painful. That said, pain from the injection will be brief, and the shot will prevent you from feeling pain throughout the rest of the procedure. What Is an Anesthesiologist and How Do You Become One? Drugs Used for Local Anesthesia Drugs used as local anesthetics suppress pain receptors known as nociceptors, blocking them from sending pain impulses to your brain. Some of the most frequently used local anesthetic drugs are: Benzocaine Lidocaine Novocaine Tetracaine Notice how each these ends in -caine. Local anesthetic drugs are related in structure to cocaine, which was widely used as a local anesthetic in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. (It still has some limited use today.) More recent local anesthetics differ from cocaine in that they are not addictive or habit-forming, and they don’t raise blood pressure. Which drug you may be given and at what dosage depends on your age, height, weight, whether you have any allergies, whether you or your family members have had previous reactions to anesthesia, other medications you are taking, and the length of the procedure. Medications Used Before and After Surgery How Long Local Anesthesia Lasts The length of time a local anesthetic can last depends on which drug was used and how much of the drug was given. Generally speaking, the effects of most local anesthetics begin to gradually wear off within a few hours after the procedure is complete. Some drugs may take more time to kick in, but their effects may last longer. The effects of lidocaine begin within two to five minutes after it is injected and last up to two hours. Bupivacaine takes five to 10 minutes to kick in, but its effects can last up to eight hours. A synthetic form of the hormone epinephrine is sometimes combined with an anesthetic drug to prolong its effects. Combining lidocaine with epinephrine, for example, extends the effects of lidocaine from two to six hours. Doctors typically begin by giving you the lowest dose of the drug necessary. If you are having a longer procedure, they may repeat the dose after a certain amount of time has passed to prolong the anesthesia. For smaller procedures that involve local anesthesia, like mole removals or suturing a small wound, you will be able to go home as soon as the procedure is finished. There are some cases when you will need to stay longer to be monitored. For example, when a doctor applies a local anesthetic inside your throat to examine your throat and vocal cords (laryngoscopy), you will need to be monitored until your gag reflex returns to ensure it is safe for you to eat or drink. Anesthetic drugs stop pain receptors from sending pain signals to the brain. Doctors start with the lowest dose necessary and may give additional doses as needed. The effects kick in within minutes and can last from two to eight hours, depending on which drug is used. Can You Be Allergic to Epinephrine? Preparation for Local Anesthesia It takes much less time to recover from local anesthesia than it does with general anesthesia, and most procedures that use local anesthesia are relatively quick. Nonetheless, you still need to take a few basic precautions before your procedure to prepare for the anesthesia. Your doctor should give you specific advice, which may include: Fasting from food or drink for a specified time before the procedureAvoiding alcohol or smoking at least 24 hours before the procedureNot wearing makeup if the procedure is being done on your faceRemoving jewelry from the surgical area Doctors are very careful not to begin procedures until the anesthesia has kicked in. Your doctor should make it clear which drugs they are giving you, how long they will last, and anything else you should expect. They will also communicate with you throughout the procedure to make sure you are comfortable. If you have any questions about your procedure or how you should prepare, don’t hesitate to clarify them with your doctor. Important Questions to Ask Before You Have Surgery Risks The risk of side effects is significantly lower with local anesthesia compared to general anesthesia. Despite how safe local anesthetics usually are, it’s possible for an individual to be unusually sensitive to a drug and to develop severe side effects. For this reason, there must always be emergency medical care available when local anesthetics are used. The most common side effects following local anesthesia are soreness and bruising at the injection site. These side effects are temporary and nothing to be concerned about. However, let your doctor know if a bruise expands or does not get better within a week or two. Serious but uncommon side effects that may occur during use include: Allergic reaction to the anesthetic drug Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) Seizure Other serious but uncommon side effects that can arise in the days to weeks following a procedure involving local anesthesia include: Infection at the injection site Nerve or tissue damage at the injection site, which is usually temporary but can persist for a few months or permanently You should see your doctor if you develop the following side effects any time after your procedure: Signs of infection: Swelling, itching, pain, redness, pus drainage, or warmth at the injection site Signs of nerve or tissue damage: Numbness, weakness or loss of function, tingling, burning, or pain at the injection site Even though local anesthesia is generally very safe, there are risks involved. Your doctor may advise you not to eat, drink, or smoke within 24 hours of your procedure. Follow their directions closely to reduce your risk of complications. Understanding the Risks of Having Surgery Summary Local anesthesia is frequently used to minimize pain during minor procedures. These procedures are typically quick and done on an outpatient basis, so you should be able to return home on the day of your procedure. Drugs used as local anesthetics are very safe and effective. While the risk of side effects is low, there is always some level of risk with any drug. Make sure to ask your doctor what you should do to prepare and how much recovery time you should plan for. A Word From Verywell It’s normal to feel anxious before a procedure, no matter how minor that procedure may be. Sometimes, anxiety comes from a lack of clarity about what to expect or why the procedure is even necessary. If you are having any doubts, or if you find yourself wanting to cancel or delay your procedure, give your doctor a call and see if they can address your concerns. Frequently Asked Questions How long does it take for local anesthesia to wear off? It depends on the type of local anesthetic given. Some may last for two hours, and some may last up to eight hours. How long should you wait after local anesthesia to breastfeed? You should be able to breastfeed right away. Research has found that local anesthetics are transferred to breast milk only in small amounts with no evidence of effects on the baby. Check with your doctor or surgeon if you have any questions or concerns. Easing Your Fear of Having Surgery 5 Sources Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Anesthesia. Tobe M, Suto T, Saito S. The history and progress of local anesthesia: multiple approaches to elongate the action. J Anesth. 2018;32(4):632-636. doi:10.1007/s00540-018-2514-8 Collins JB, Song J, Mahabir RC. Onset and duration of intradermal mixtures of bupivacaine and lidocaine with epinephrine. Can J Plast Surg. 2013;21(1):51-53. doi:10.1177/229255031302100112 Kaiser Permanente. Local anesthesia. Reece-Stremtan S, Campos M, Kokajko L; Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. ABM clinical protocol #15: analgesia and anesthesia for the breastfeeding mother, Updated 2017. Breastfeed Med. 2017;12(9):500-506. doi:10.1089/ By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Medical Expert Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Other Helpful Report an Error Submit