Marissa Sansone, MD

Marissa Sansone, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Doctor of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology Fellow


Rheumatology, Internal Medicine


St. George's University School of Medicine, Jersey City Medical Center, Yale University


Rheumatology is an ever-growing, research-driven field encompassing complicated disease processes. It is a crucial component for readers to be able to obtain up-to-date information in this field to help guide their health.

— Marissa Sansone, MD


Marissa Sansone, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and in her final year of training in Rheumatology at Yale University. She actively participates in the teaching of rheumatology to medical residents and students as part of her fellowship training. She has peer-reviewed abstracts in Rheumatology and has taken part in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis studies.


Dr. Sansone obtained her medical degree at St. George's University School of Medicine and completed her internal medicine residency training at Jersey City Medical Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. She then went on to continue her speciality training in rheumatology at Yale University.

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