Melissa Bronstein, LICSW

Melissa Bronstein, LICSW

Social Worker, Psychotherapist


Social Work


Tulane University, Columbia University



Melissa Bronstein, LICSW, is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist based in Sharon, Massachusetts. She has a virtual private practice where she specializes in supporting young adults with anxiety who want to improve their relationships and navigate life transitions. Melissa has past experience with trauma counseling and healthy relationship promotion in New York City public schools and was involved in community-based work with adolescents, caregivers, and young professionals.

Melissa is passionate about her strengths-based, integrative, and client-centered approach. She incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, motivational interviewing, and self-compassion into her work.


Melissa received her bachelor’s degree from Tulane University and her Master's of Social Work from Columbia University. She also has a clinical anxiety treatment professional (CCATP) certification.

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