Meredith Bull, ND

Meredith Bull, ND

Medical Expert Board Member
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Naturopathic Doctor


Holistic Health


Rutgers University, Bastyr University


As an expert in integrative medicine, I get to witness the value of the holistic approach and the life transformations that result because of it. I enjoy empowering my patients with knowledge that enables them to be champions of their own health.

— Meredith Bull, ND


Meredith Bull, ND, is a licensed naturopathic doctor with a private practice in Los Angeles, California. Recognized as the foremost field in integrative medicine, Dr. Bull chose naturopathic medicine for its patient-centered philosophy and sustainable healthcare model. With education in both conventional and holistic treatment approaches, she enjoys the variety of options available to her to help patients achieve their health goals.

Dr. Bull helped co-author the first integrative geriatrics textbook available, Integrative Geriatric Medicine, published in 2017 as part of the Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Library.


Dr. Bull graduated from Rutgers University with degrees in psychology and biology and earned her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington. She completed her residency at a private medical practice in Seattle, Washington specializing in complex health cases and was lead physician of the clinic’s nonprofit, offering primary care to low-income individuals.

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