Paige Lovellette, PharmD

Paige Lovellette, PharmD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Pharmacy Manager


Over-the-counter medication counseling, medication therapy management, Immunizations


My favorite part of my job has always been the people aspect; being able to help the community and forge lasting relationships with both patients and health care providers. Having the opportunity to aid more people in their journey for medical advice is what has brought me here and I look forward to the opportunity to give the public accurate and honest information.

— Paige Lovellette, PharmD


Paige Lovellette, PharmD, has been a retail pharmacist for three years. She started as a floating pharmacist and has been a pharmacy manager for two years. As a community pharmacy, she has had the opportunity to aid in vaccine clinics and health care screenings along with providing patient-centered care to the community at large.


Dr. Lovellette received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Rhode Island in 2018.

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