Prescription Drug Theft

What to Do If Your Opioid Medication Is Stolen

Prescription drug theft is a major problem in this country, largely fueled by the epidemic of opioid (a.k.a. opiate or narcotic) abuse. When you depend on your medications to function, having them stolen can throw your life into turmoil.

Just possessing opioid painkillers such as Vicodin (hydrocodone acetaminophen) or OxyContin (oxycodone) puts you at risk of being a victim of theft. It pays to know how to protect yourself and what to do if your meds are stolen.

Pill bottles on shelf
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Who Steals Opioids?

When you think of your drugs being stolen, you may automatically picture being mugged by a violent stranger. That certainly does happen, especially to people leaving the pharmacy.

However, you're probably most likely to be victimized by someone in your life. It could be a child or grandchild, or a friend. Not only is the high a big incentive, but those pills are also valuable on the street.

In addition, pain can make people desperate. Chronic pain often goes undertreated in this country. This may provide an extra incentive for someone to take your pills. A suicidal person may also steal drugs to make an attempt on their life.

Of course, if someone close to you has one of these motivations for stealing your drugs, it's a much bigger problem. Knowing the signs of addiction, the treatment options, and the warning signs of suicide is the first step toward getting them help.

No one wants to suspect the people around them. You might think it couldn't possibly happen to you. Remember, though, that addiction is an insidious disease. It can make good people do things they wouldn't dream of otherwise.

Prevent Opioid Theft at Home

You have a lot of options for protecting yourself from drug theft.

  • Be discreet about your medications so few people know what you're taking.
  • Count pills regularly to see if any are missing. Consider keeping a log of when you take them so you're not relying on memory.
  • If someone else picks up your meds from the pharmacy, do a pill count and make sure they're all accounted for.
  • Pharmacy employees sometimes steal drugs, so count them before leaving the pharmacy or have the person helping you count them.
  • If you get your meds by mail, consider a locked mailbox.
  • Consider a drug safe. They're available online and in drug stores and many are small enough to conceal in a drawer or cabinet.

It's also a good idea not to put your empty pill bottles in garbage or recycling containers that are easily viewed by the public. At the very least, remove the label so no one can use the information to commit fraud.

Even better, put them in a container that keeps them hidden. You don't want to give anyone a reason to mug you or break into your house. Some pharmacies will accept empty bottles for recycling, so check to see if yours does.

Prevent Opioid Theft in Public

Be careful about taking your pain pills in public or talking about them where you can be overheard.

While you may not suspect people at work, church, or whatever else you spend time with, know that painkiller addicts come from all walks of life. They don't fit the stereotype of the shady street criminal who you'd probably never be around anyway.

In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that the people at the highest risk of dying from drug overdose are white men in their late 40s.

If you carry painkillers with you, keep them in the original container. If you've ever been searched by police, you need to be able to prove you have the drugs legally, which means a valid prescription or a verifiable prescription label.

As with all aspects of personal safety, it pays to be aware of your surroundings. Is someone watching you too closely as you leave the pharmacy? Who might be paying attention at the restaurant when you take a pill?

Where Not to Leave Pills

Several common places are high-risk when it comes to pill theft.

  • Don't leave pills or pharmacy bags visible in your car, where they could lead someone to break out your window.
  • Don't leave them in your car, even hidden. Not only is theft a risk, but extreme heat may cause unwanted changes to your meds.
  • Don't leave pills in an unlocked desk drawer at work.

If Your Drugs Are Stolen

When your medication is stolen, it's a big problem. First of all, it means the drugs are in the hands of people who may be abusing them and harming themselves.

For you, it could mean going a few weeks without painkillers. Most healthcare providers will not refill narcotics prescriptions early, even if you have a police report of a theft.

That might seem horrible to you, but it's for good reason. Talk to any healthcare provider who spends weekends on call.

They'll tell you it never fails: Saturday afternoon, the calls roll in from people saying their drugs were stolen or making another excuse for needing a new opioid prescription or early refill. Most of those people are drug seekers known by the police and medical community.

Because of that, even showing up at your healthcare provider's office with a police report probably won't help you get replacements. People in search of drugs do that too often. That leaves legitimate pain patients who are the victims of theft with little or no recourse.

If possible, get refills as early as you can, even if you're not out, so you have extra on hand. That's especially tough if you already have to ration them to get through a month—many people do—, but it may serve you well in the long run.

1 Source
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  1. Berge KH, Dillon KR, Sikkink KM, Taylor TK, Lanier WL. Diversion of drugs within health care facilities, a multiple-victim crime: patterns of diversion, scope, consequences, detection, and preventionMayo Clin Proc. 2012;87(7):674–682. doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2012.03.013

Additional Reading
Adrienne Dellwo

By Adrienne Dellwo
Dellwo was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2006 and has over 25 years of experience in health research and writing.