Rony Kampalath, MD

Rony Kampalath, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Diagnostic Radiology


University of Texas Southwestern Medical School


My years in medicine have taught me that no matter how compassionate and well-trained the healthcare team is, patients are best served if they can advocate for themselves and have easy access to reliable sources of medical information.

— Rony Kampalath, MD


Rony Kampalath is a board-certified diagnostic radiologist at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center. Within the practice of radiology, he specializes in abdominal imaging, with a special interest in the imaging of cancer.

Before pursuing a career as a radiologist, Rony worked as a primary care physician, and spent a year practicing medicine abroad. He's an advocate for patient-centered care and works to distill scientific concepts in an approachable way.


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