Roxana Ehsani, RD

Roxana Ehsani, RD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Sports Nutrition and Fitness, Nutrition Communications and Media


Virginia Tech



Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, is a registered dietitian-nutritionist and spokesperson. Her work has been quoted in national media outlets like U.S. News and World Report, WebMD, Parade, Runner’s World, Eating Well, and more. Roxana has worked with many professional, Olympic, collegiate, and high school teams and athletes. She also teaches Sports Nutrition in Practice as an adjunct professor at Virginia Tech.


Roxana Ehsani has a bachelor’s degree in human nutrition, food, and exercise from Virginia Tech and a master’s degree in clinical nutrition and dietetics from the University of Pittsburgh. She completed an internship in dietetics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

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