Stephen Weinberger, MD

Stephen Weinberger, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Primary Care Physician


Primary Care Medicine with expertise in Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, Travel Medicine


I strive to provide the most accurate and evidence-based healthcare to my patients in my practice. I also want to make sure my patients leave an appointment with the information they can review in the future and have a solid understanding of the diagnosis plus the next steps. I am very excited to be part of Verywell Medical Expert Board to provide the same level of knowledge and expertise for all readers. Everyone deserves to have clear, concise, and trustworthy resources for their health.

— Stephen Weinberger, MD


Stephen Weinberger, MD, is board-certified in internal medicine & pediatrics. I provide full-spectrum primary care medicine in addition to Inpatient Hospitalist care for my practice's patients. I have an interest in Travel Medicine from my history of international health care workers in addition to training in tropical medicine.


Dr. Weinberger received his undergraduate training with a dual degree in English & Biology at Binghamton University, New York. He earned his MD from State University of NY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. His
Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency was completed at the University of Massachusetts.

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Verywell Health, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning online resource for reliable, empathetic, and up-to-date health information on medical topics that matter most to you. We reach more than 300 million readers annually. Verywell Health content is fact checked and reviewed by our Medical Expert Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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