Susan Russell, MD

Susan Russell, MD

Medical Expert Board Member
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Pulmonologist, Associate Chief for Clinical Affairs, Medical Director, Associate Professor


Pulmonary Medicine , Critical Care Medicine


University of Alabama, Northwestern University's McGaw Medical Center


The last few years have brought issues regarding respiratory care and management of patients in the intensive care unit to the forefront of the national news. Self-education about lung disease has become increasingly difficult given the vast amount of information available about some lung conditions. Yet, others are obscure where expert opinion leads the way in treatment. I hope to help everyone navigate this shifting landscape to provide them with the information they need for themselves and their families.

— Susan Russell, MD


Susan Russell, MD, is the Associate Chief for Clinical Affairs for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Division at Northwestern Medicine. She is the Medical Director for Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Inpatient Pulmonary Unit, an intermediate care unit that provides treatment for patients with complex respiratory needs, including lung transplants. Dr. Russell is the Associate Director for Northwestern Medicine's Sarcoidosis program on the outpatient side. She is active on many quality committees and leads the Northwestern system Pulmonary Health System Collaborative. Dr. Russell is also an Associate Professor at Northwestern University.


Dr. Russell earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Alabama. She graduated summa cum laude and was named an Alumni Honors Scholar. Dr. Russell earned her MD at the University of Alabama School of Medicine. She completed a residency in Internal Medicine and a fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the McGaw Medical Center for Northwestern University.

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